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Shri Sai Gyaneshwari

Shri Sai Gyaneshwari

The most authentic literature of divine knowledge of sadguru Shri Sainath Maharaj for Spiritual Guidance

Dasganu Maharaj wrote three important books (among amny others). These are Shri Santkathamrit, Shri bhakitileelaamrit and Shri bhaktisaaramrit. In these books, there are seven chapters that are about Shri Sai that contain conversations of Shri Sai with chandorkar and other devotees. Sai devotee Rakesh Juneja has translated these into English, with his commentaries and explanations and created this Granth, Shri Sai Gyaneshwari. It has 700 tests, consolidated into nine Chapters of navadha form of bhakti. Divine knowledge enlightens the mind and removes ignorance, misconceptions and confusion of this manifested world. Shri Sai Gyaneshwari is based on the Divine Knowledge of Sadguru Sainath, with the main purpose of leading human life in the best possible spiritual spiritual way and progress towards self-realization. Shri Sai’s teachings are the antidote to worldly sufferings and our lifeboat to cross the worldly ocean, thus fulfilling the purpose of human life on this earth. This scripture is for everyone and has the ability to develop faith even in a non-devotee and help to progress in devotion and liberation. Shri Sai Gyaneshwari is the gracious blessings of the perfect Spiritual Master Sadguru Sai, who landed on earth to save the worldly people from the continuous of life due to the cycle of birth and death and to open door to Salvation.


To spread love, peace & brotherhood to mankind, to live happily with communal harmony and religious tolerance, as we all are children of One God, who is Almighty and He created this Worldly manifestation to select the best of the Pure souls. To know & realize Insight of this Worldly manifestation. We all believe that this world is true but it is not true. Everything here is uncertain, temporary and destroyable but we still believe it to be true because of Ignorance that has developed in us due to Maya (powerful illusions). Hence, we suffer in this world indefinitely, birth after birth. Although, we are ourselves part and parcel of God. we consider ourselves as Body, not as God. We forget our real identity of being a Soul which is God itself.

Our Motto

To spread Guru’s Knowledge through Sai Gyaneshwari to remove ignorance which has developed after taking so many births. Once the Ignorance is removed the true picture of this World becomes very clear and we find that this world and everything related to it is false. Only God is true and Maya is not true. Sadguru Sai Knowledge removes the darkness and ignorance, thus, bringing joy, happiness and bliss forever. To fulfill the spiritual desire of devotees,Shri Sai Gyaneshwari was created that removes ignorance and brings divine hope to live happily forever. Like Lord Krishna gifted spiritual book Bhagwad Geeta 5000 years before. Similarly, Saibaba gifted Shri Sai Gyaneshwari, the simple education to remove ignorance and progress easily on path of self-realization.

 Launched Year

Books Details

Books Details

 Rakesh Juneja
Books Name
Writer Name
 Launched Year
Shri Sai Gyaneshwari Hindi
 Rakesh Juneja
Sterling Publishers PVT. LTD
 Launched Year
Sai Baba book in Hindi
Shri Sai Gyaneshwari English
Rakesh Juneja
Sterling Publishers PVT. LTD
 Launched Year
Shri Sai Gyaneshwari English books
Shri Sai Gyaneshwari Marathi
 Namrata Bagde
Sterling Publishers PVT. LTD
 Launched Year
Shri Sai Gyaneshwari Telugu
  Radha Gopee
Golapudi Publishers
 Launched Year
Tamil Books
Shri Sai Gyaneshwari Tamil
 T R Madhawan
Sterling Publishers PVT. LTD
 Launched Year
Tamil Books
Shri Sai Gyaneshwari Punjabi
Deepak Bajaj/ Anju Tandon
Sterling Publishers PVT. LTD
 Launched Year
Shri Sai Gyaneshwari Kannada
Sri Sitaram Puranika
Sri Sai Global services Trust
 Launched Year
Kannada book
Shri Sai Gyaneshwari Mhakavya 
 Rakesh Juneja
Sterling Publishers PVT. LTD
 Launched Year
Sai Mahakavya Books
Jail Me Sai Sakshatkar 
 Rakesh Juneja
Sterling Publishers PVT. LTD
 Launched Year
Jail Mai Hai Sai Skshatkar
Sai Hi Kyon 
 Rakesh Juneja
Sterling Publishers PVT. LTD
Launched Year
Sai Hi Kyon Hindi Books

Books Details

Front 1

Books Name -Shri Sai Gyaneshwari Hindi

Publisher- Sterling Publishers PVT. LTD

Writer -Rakesh Juneja

Shri Sai Gyaneshwari English books

Books Name -Shri Sai Gyaneshwari English

Publisher- Sterling Publishers PVT. LTD

Writer -Rakesh Juneja


Books Name -Shri Sai Gyaneshwari Marathi

Publisher- Sterling Publishers PVT. LTD

Writer -Namrata Bagde


Books Name -Shri Sai Gyaneshwari Telugu

Publisher- Golapudi Publishers

Writer -Radha Gopee


Books Name -Shri Sai Gyaneshwari Tamil

Publisher- Sterling Publishers PVT. LTD

Writer - T R Madhawan

Front (1)

Books Name -Shri Sai Gyaneshwari Punjabi

Publisher- Sterling Publishers PVT. LTD

Writer -Deepak Bajaj/ Anju Tandon


Books Name -Shri Sai Gyaneshwari Kannada

Publisher- Sri Sai Global services Trust

Writer -Sri Sitaram Puranika

Sai Mahakavya Books

Books Name -Shri Sai Gyaneshwari Mhakavya

Publisher- Sterling Publishers PVT. LTD

Writer - Rakesh Juneja

Jail Mai Hai Sai Skshatkar

Books Name -Jel Me Sai Sakshatkar

Publisher- Sterling Publishers PVT. LTD

Writer - Rakesh Juneja

Sai Hi Kyon Hindi Books

Books Name -Sai Hi Kyon

Publisher- Sterling Publishers PVT. LTD

Writer - Rakesh Juneja


Books Name -Shri Sai Gyaneshwari Gujarati

Publisher- Sterling Publishers PVT. LTD

Writer -Rakesh Juneja


Books Name -Shri Sai Gyaneshwari Oria

Publisher- Sterling Publishers PVT. LTD

Writer -Rakesh Juneja

book create2a

Books Name -Shri Sai Gyaneshwari a Pictorial Album

Publisher- Sterling Publishers PVT. LTD

Writer - Rakesh Juneja


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About Shri Sai Gyaneshwari Mahakvya By Singer Manjeet Singh Bhatia

January 15, 2021/

श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी महाकाव्य सम्पूर्ण विश्व के आध्यात्मिक मार्गदर्शन के लिए सद्गुरु साईनाथ के तत्वज्ञान का एक अद्भुत ग्रंथ ‘श्री…